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Get Behind

the Fight


Colon Cancer

This site is devoted to colon cancer awareness.  The purpose is to emphasize prevention of cancer and to dispel fear and anxiety associated wih having a colonscopy.

So, what's the big deal about a colonscopy???  Continue on to the Blog

to find out!

GI Judy's Colon Cancer Awareness

The University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing 

in partial fulfillment of the requirements of

N 5308 Nursing Informatics

Joy Don Baker, PhD, RN-BC, CNOR,CNE, NEA-BE, FAAN.

    October, 2015: Date site created by GI Judy.      

    Site last updated on December 28, 2015.          




Medical Disclaimer:

This Web site is solely intended to provide information that will help educate viewers on the importance of regular colon cancer screening to help prevent colon cancer.  No information provided on this Web site is intended  to replace or modify the advice of your health care professional. There are no conflicts of interest, endorsements, sponsors, or commercial interests to disclose.


Image "general cancer ribbon" used with permission by Pat Dixon (2012)

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